
Exploration of the Labyrinthine Bath House


Exploration of the Labyrinthine Bath House

Dōgo Onsen Honkan was built in 1894. Over the approximately thirty years thereafter, many consecutive renovations and additions were made, resulting in a complicated, labyrinth-like arrangement of rooms, hallways, and stairs. Its beautiful exterior is a spectacularly coherent mixture of architectural styles of different eras, and it has the appeal that attracts Japanese and foreign tourists alike.

*Appearances may differ, as Dōgo Onsen Honkan is undergoing preservation repair work. Click here for updates (external site).

Legend of the Egret

 width=Legend has it that an egret was suffering from an injured leg, and upon finding a hot spring gushing out from the rocks, it flew to the hot water every day to soak its leg. Soon, the foot completely healed the bird flew away rejuvenated.

Legend of the Tama-no-ishi

When the Ōkuninushi no Mikoto and Sukunabikona no Mikoto of Japanese mythology traveled to the land of Iyo, Sukunabikona suddenly fell ill. But when he soaked in the hot spring, he was healed right away. Overjoyed, he began dancing atop a rock. This story, known as “the Legend of the Tama-no-ishi,” has been passed down to this day.

Prince Shōtoku and Dōgo Hot Springs

In 596, when Prince Shōtoku visited the hot springs of Iyo, he felt so deeply moved by the ethereal quality of Dōgo Onsen that he wrote an inscribed poem. Seeing luxuriantly growing camellia bushes with intertwining branches, he exalted that he felt as if he were in the land of paradise.

Ippen Shōnin and the Yugama

Ippen Shōnin, who was born in Matsuyama, is said to have inscribed the six characters of “namu-amida-butsu” onto the hōju (“treasure ball”) on a stone caldron of the hot springs in 1288, upon request by military general Michiari Kōno. This hot spring caldron still exists today and is revered as Yugama Yakushi,

How did you like it?

If you learn about the history and attraction of Dogo Onsen, the enjoyment you get from sightseeing will grow manyfold.
After soaking in the hot spring, going to the shopping street, enjoying more hot spring tours, and eating as you stroll along is highly recommended.
Taking a good rest at the inn is recommended, too.
Please enjoy sightseeing in Dogo.

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